Before getting into how to speed test your site, it makes sense to cover important concepts and tools in this area.
How a Webpage Loads
A basic thing to understand is how a web page ends up in front of a visitor. Knowing this will help you better understand where issues may arise and thus correct them.
First, the user opens a browser and puts in a web address. This creates a DNS request that resolves into the domain name provider, which points to a server. From there, the browser starts loading the files that make up your site:
- HTML — Provides the main structure of your site. If you are using WordPress, the CMS dynamically produces it from PHP. The HTML document also includes calls to all following file types.
- CSS — Responsible for styling, colors, dimensions, and more. Found in style sheets.
- JavaScript — Mostly adds interactive elements and functionality to your site. Whenever something moves, it is often thanks to JavaScript.
- Assets — Other files that provide parts of your site. The most common here are usually images.
- External resources — Not everything that goes into your site lies on your own server. Some elements (like custom fonts) come from external sources.
Once the browser receives the files, it can start building and then rendering the content. The order and speed in which it receives files determine how fast visitors can see changes in their browser window. For a more detailed breakdown of how this works, check this article.
What’s important to note is that all of the above represent different HTTP requests. Having too many of them can already cause a slowdown. If you suspect that is the case, the linked post will tell you how to deal with it.
Important Speed Metrics
In addition to the above, in order to troubleshoot speed issues on your website, it’s good if you understand some basic metrics that influence the user experience while loading a page.

- Time to first byte (TTFB) — Amount of time it takes for a browser to receive the first information from the site.
- First paint — The moment the screen is no longer blank. For example, a background color change counts as first paint.
- First contentful paint — When the first content appears. Might be part of the navigation, header image or any other element.
- First meaningful paint — Here, users are able to see the primary content so that they can understand what the page is about.
- Time to interactive — The duration until the page is usable and you can interact with it.
Many of the tools below will show you exactly this type of information.

Each step depends on different factors and thus needs different solutions when there is a problem. For example, if the time to first byte is very long, it’s often an indicator for a slow server. Thus, knowing the steps will help you pick up on where the process stalls and take targeted action.
Site Speed Testing Tools
Below are a number of tools you can use to test your site. They will give you different sets of data to understand how it is faring. Further below, we will discuss what to do with this data.
- Lighthouse — A chrome extension that you can use to generate reports on any website’s accessibility, SEO, best practices, and performance. It’s able to simulate a mobile connection, uses many of the metrics above and gives recommendations on how to improve your site.
- PageSpeed Insights — I have recommended this tool many times in other posts. It now comes with data from the Chrome User Experience Report, at least for popular sites. Aside from that, the service provides similar data as the Lighthouse extension.
- Test Your Mobile Speed — A Google testing tool specifically for mobile speed. Allows you to simulate different locations and connection speeds, compare the results with competitors, evaluate the potential business impact of improving your loading speed and get tailored recommendations for different pages. You can also get a detailed report emailed to you.
- Pingdom — The first non-Google tool for speed testing. Pingdom will give you a lot of the same information as PageSpeed Insights, however, in my opinion, easier to digest and understand. For example, it comes with a waterfall diagram to spot bottlenecks and has other information.
- GTmetrix — Similar to Pingdom but with even more data. Can be a bit more overwhelming and less user-friendly but gives you a lot of information to work with.
In addition to the above, there are two other sources of information on how visitors see your site. The first is located in Google Search Console under Crawl > Crawl Stats.

Here, you can see the response time for when Google accesses your site. If the average is above 500ms, it’s time to take action
The second tool is the speed reports in your Google Analytics (find them under Behavior > Site Speed).

Here, you get information about the page loading speed for different browsers and pages as well as suggestions for improvement. Be aware, that, by default, Google Analytics will only track this for 1 percent of your pages. To get more information, increase this number to 50 or 100 percent.
So, How Do You Use This to Speed Test Your Website Then?
Alright, now that you know what to look for and how to track it, here’s how you can you use the above information to test the speed of your website.
1. Test Your Homepage
A site’s front page often gets a large share of traffic. It’s also your site’s figurehead. For that reason, this page is one of the first things you should test. Doing so will also give you information about how your site fares in general.
Therefore, feel free to plug your homepage into one or more of the speed testing tools above. However, when you input the URL somewhere, it’s a good idea to add a cache buster parameter to it like so: That way, it doesn’t use any pre-loaded assets and you get closer to the experience that a first-time visitors would have.
If this makes a huge difference on your page, it might mean that you are relying too much on caching for speeding up your site. In that case, you should take action to make the experience better for those coming to your site for the first time. For repeat tests, add numbers to the end of the parameter (e.g., otherwise, you might get cached results again.
2. Take Multiple Tests From Multiple Locations
Your site speed will be different depending on the time of day and location from which people access it. Thus, to get a more accurate reading about its situation, it’s best to take several measurements.
Ideally, you should schedule automatic tests every hour and let them run for a week. You can set up monitoring like this with GTmetrix and Pingdom but it’s not free. So, if that’s not something you want to pay for, at least do a number of manual tests at different times.
In addition to that, it makes sense to try several locations. You can use the same tools to do so, just note that you have to register for a (free) GTmetrix account to enable switching locations there.

Here, it’s important that you test according to your audience. If you have a local site (for example, one that is only available in your home country’s language), using the closest location to your server is enough. However, if you target an international audience, it makes sense to see what the experience is like for visitors from different locations.
3. Test Your Most Important Pages
At this point, you need to be aware that there is a difference between site speed and page speed. Site speed is the sum of the loading speed of all pages on your site. Page speed is how fast singular pages on it load.
For that reason, it’s not enough to simply test the front page of your website. This is especially important, since, in many cases, it is actually one of the least content-heavy pages you’ll have.
Theoretically, you should run tests on all of your pages, as most organic visitors do not come through the main address but random pages they find in search results. It’s possible to do so with crawlers, for example, Sitebulb or Screaming Frog (both paid products).
If you are not using those, depending on the size of your site, testing all pages isn’t all that practical. In that case, you should check at least your most important pages. You can find those via your analytics band Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages.

These are the parts of your site that visitors mainly use to enter it. When you set yourself a goal to optimize at least the top 20 results, you already have your work cut out for you.
In addition, you might want to check the aforementioned page timings and order them by average page load time to find the worst offenders.

Put those on your list of pages to optimize as well. Also, come back here after you have optimized your site as the average will change and there will be a new set of slowest pages.
4. Now Do the Same for Your Competition
After figuring out how your own site is faring in the above areas, if you still have energy, you might want to engage in some competitor analysis. That means, taking a handful of your closest competitors (business wise or in the search results) and put them through the same process.
Because speed might be something that you can beat them at. Studies have shown that people are likely to go to a competitor website if their first choice takes too long.
In addition to that, page loading speed might be the thing that puts you above your competitors in the SERPs. Since the majority of clicks go to the top Google results, that can never be a bad thing. For that reason, don’t forget to speed test the competition.
How to Use the Speed Test Results
Alright, by now you should possess a lot of information about your site’s speed profile. Now is the question, what do you do with it? Let’s talk about that quickly.
Focus on Real-Life Improvements
While many of the speed testing tools give you ratings and percentages, it’s important that you don’t concentrate on these scores. It’s possible to have a lot of green lights but still provide an abysmal user experience.
Instead, focus on what your visitors really care about: how many seconds it takes to load your pages. If you can improve that, it will make the most impact and also automatically lead to better scores. So, forget about the feel-good metrics and concentrate on producing real-life results.
How to do that? I’m glad you asked.
Fix Sitewide Problems First
When trying to speed up your WordPress website, it’s best to first focus on factors that affect all parts of it. By fixing general shortcomings, you can improve the page loading speed of all pages at once. Doing so will make the biggest difference for the largest share of visitors.
Examples of measures you can take in this area include:
- Changing your hosting provider
- Updating your PHP version
- Cleaning up your database
- Cleaning up your site
- Enabling Gzip compression
- Optimizing Images
All of this will affect your site as a whole, leading to great improvements.
After That, Focus on Single Pages
When you have taken measures to improve your site in general, you can then go ahead and deal with single pages. If your tests showed that some of the most important ones have bigger problems, it’s time to dive into the waterfall diagram and find out who is the culprit.

It could be an image that is too large, a remote script that would be better off hosted locally or any other of the many files that go into a page. Each instance is different, therefore, the solutions will vary. Improve one page after the other in the order of importance and you will make a big difference in the end.
Final Thoughts on How to Speed Test Your Website
Learning how to test your website for loading speed is a helpful skill in creating better, more user-friendly sites. The influence of page loading speed on website success is something many people underestimate. Only having proper data will allow you to take the right action in this area.
Above, you have gotten a first-rate education on performing a speed test on your WordPress site. You have learned what goes into loading a web page, important metrics for page loading speed and tools to measure them. You now also know how to apply that knowledge to your own site to make it faster.
The above should be enough to give your website a significant speed bump. When you do that, chances are good that it will improve the rest of your success metrics as well.
I’m D.kalyani. In this article i’m going to share “What i’ve learned from the course videos”.
From the video-1:Introduction to Why This is The Only Design Development Course You’ll Ever Need
- From these videos I learnt about the photoshop using different tools.
- next I participated in photoshop quiz and secured 100%marks
video-2: Introduction to web design
From these videos I learned about
- The Basic Element Principles Of Visual Design are
- balance
- Rhythm
- Proportion
- Space
- Dominance
- Hierarchy
- Unity
- CRAP Principles
- where
- Typography Basics
- In this video I learned about What is Serif.
video-3: Introduction to photoshop.
From the video-3: I have learned about “The four phases of a Web Design Project Cost Estimates”.
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is very easy to understand and make websites as a web designer. We get results in it easily. We can also create some web graphics and designs for business.
-> Creating Photoshop document Is used for modifying or editing images. We open a file with the filename and many features are available in Photoshop like preset, size, content ,colour profile ,mode and ratio.
-> Photoshop environment Adobe Photoshop is a creative version. We can drag images from desktop to Photoshop document. You shortcuts For tools and edit images and text. -> -> We can make magic out of this Photoshop. Shapes, colour ,strokes ,resize, border are available in Photoshop along with graphic design.
-> Photoshop environment palettes,. From different options in Photoshop we can create pallets, layers, case, enlarge ,screen dark ,customise and ,styles in Photoshop.
-> The menu Many options are present in Photoshop as directory hdr, adjustment ,tone colour, style, mode, blur in the menu.
-> Enhancement manipulation Scenery can be changed in Photoshop using the tool for location. It is mostly used in creative market. We Remove unwanted background and manipulate images in Photoshop.

video 4:-web design and Photoshop.
I lerarned about basic tools like wirw framing,mood board,rough,comp,mockup, and abouy users.
Different phases about web design:-
1.Discovery phase
2.creative phase
3.development phase
4.launch phase
–> learned about tools and strategies of user experience ux design.,Blog landing page,free photoshop downloads.
Video-5:Advanced Web Design Challenge
we learned about challenging works in designing.About:
–>creating sitemap,sketching wire frame.
–>phase design in photoshop.
–>getting feed back on design.
–>Flasties tool for designing and sharing concepts.
video 6: Introduction to html
–>I have learned about basic structure of html.
–>i have learned about heading and paragraph tags,its emphasis,hyperlinks,lists,inserting images,tables,entities.
–>also learned about creating web pages easily by using forms.

video 7:-Advanced html and html html5
I have learned different topics on:
–>Introduction to html.about its ID’s and classes.
–>Div and span tags.About web pages. Introduction to expert html5.
–>Coding a web page using html5,html inputs such as labels,range,,form-num…and coding through internet attributes in html5.
video 8:-about css topics
—> I learned about basics of css like syntax,selectors,properties,values,inheritence of styles.measurements,margins,inline elements,inline css,descendant selectors,box models,external css,ID and class selectors,grouping selectorsand design a web page.
video 9:about intermediate css
–> understood introduction about intermediate css,different colors in web page.And also learned about:
–> text formatting using different styles,borders with different box shapes and sizes,background images and styling different links.
video10: About css3 introduction.
–> Learned about how tyo change sizer of box and shape,gradients and transparecy of colors using css3,creating shadows of texts,divinding coloumns,creating animations,buttons,edit different images in photoshop,orbit animations of earth and moon using css3.
video 11:About Advanced css introduction.
–> Learned about styling forms,inline elements and blocks,float and clear pages using css,positioning such as relative,absolute,fixed,code for google landing page,style sheets for google landing page,photo shop development,and publish in css validator.
video 12: About javascript introduction.
–>About syntax,statements, and case sensitive,of javascript.Its java script output,variables,js arrays,functions,code for calculator, and ifelse functions in java script.
video 13: About jquery introduction.
we understood about jquery introduction,download and install it,syntax of jquery,event methods using jquery and jquery selectors.
video 14: About intermediate jquery introduction
–>we learned about jquery chaining,code for hide and share content,animations,code for car race,modifyinmg css,jquery ui,code for draggong and drop,sorting code,accoprdation,date picker, and listing.
video 15: About Bootstrap introduction.
–>Introduction to bootstrap responsive design.
–>get started with bootstrap,examples,grid system in bootstrrap,craeting responsive forms,tables,buttons and images.also learned about bootstarp helper classes.
video-16: Introduction to web hosting
–> purshasing domains and hoisting,understanding cpanel,ftl and uploading website,and learned about websites.
video 17: Introduction to php
–>php syntax,variables and constants,click baits headlines,arrays in php,functions,different loops lkike while,for,foreach, and dowhile,arguments,get and post, if else statements.
video 18:introduction to database
–>learned to establish a connection between database and php.
–>learned how to select data from database from webpage,and insert data to web page,password hashing,sessions using php,login form using php,html and my sql.
–>creating address book using php and my sql.
video 19: Introduction to wordpress.
–> understood about and
–>to install,login ,piugins and apply customize themes.dashboard i.e,jetpack,posts,media,appearance, to apply wordpress sites,Xtheme,and their usage.wordpress security,its open source,and back up deatails.publishing products.
video 20: Introduction to career options.
–> I have learned about cultivating career,success,freelance working,quiting job,writing resume,angular js,http,creating n editing data and custom filters and interfaces.
I’m y.bhavana. In this article i’m going to share “What i’ve learned from the course videos”.
From the Video 01:
Introduction Why This is The Only DesignDevelopment Course Youll Ever Need.
From these videos i’ve learnt photoshop using different tools .I also know about the skills needed for web developer to complete the projects.
Introduction to web design .
From these videos I’ve learnt about:
The basic element principles of visual design are:
- balance
- rythmn
- propotion
- space
- dominance
the hierarchy unity crap principles are:
- In this video I learned about What is Serif.
video-3: Introduction to photoshop.
From the video-3: I have learned about “The four phases of a Web Design Project Cost Estimates”.
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is very easy to understand and make websites as a web designer. We get results in it easily. We can also create some web graphics and designs for business.
-> Creating Photoshop document Is used for modifying or editing images. We open a file with the filename and many features are available in Photoshop like preset, size, content ,colour profile ,mode and ratio.
-> Photoshop environment Adobe Photoshop is a creative version. We can drag images from desktop to Photoshop document. You shortcuts For tools and edit images and text. -> -> We can make magic out of this Photoshop. Shapes, colour ,strokes ,resize, border are available in Photoshop along with graphic design.
-> Photoshop environment palettes,. From different options in Photoshop we can create pallets, layers, case, enlarge ,screen dark ,customise and ,styles in Photoshop.
-> The menu Many options are present in Photoshop as directory hdr, adjustment ,tone colour, style, mode, blur in the menu.
-> Enhancement manipulation Scenery can be changed in Photoshop using the tool for location. It is mostly used in creative market. We Remove unwanted background and manipulate images in Photoshop.

video 4:-web design and Photoshop.
I lerarned about basic tools like wirw framing,mood board,rough,comp,mockup, and abouy users.
Different phases about web design:-
1.Discovery phase
2.creative phase
3.development phase
4.launch phase
–> learned about tools and strategies of user experience ux design.,Blog landing page,free photoshop downloads.
Video-5:Advanced Web Design Challenge
we learned about challenging works in designing.About:
–>creating sitemap,sketching wire frame.
–>phase design in photoshop.
–>getting feed back on design.
–>Flasties tool for designing and sharing concepts.
video 6: Introduction to html
–>I have learned about basic structure of html.
–>i have learned about heading and paragraph tags,its emphasis,hyperlinks,lists,inserting images,tables,entities.
–>also learned about creating web pages easily by using forms.

video 7:-Advanced html and html html5
I have learned different topics on:
–>Introduction to html.about its ID’s and classes.
–>Div and span tags.About web pages. Introduction to expert html5.
–>Coding a web page using html5,html inputs such as labels,range,,form-num…and coding through internet attributes in html5.
video 8:-about css topics
—> I learned about basics of css like syntax,selectors,properties,values,inheritence of styles.measurements,margins,inline elements,inline css,descendant selectors,box models,external css,ID and class selectors,grouping selectorsand design a web page.
video 9:about intermediate css
–> understood introduction about intermediate css,different colors in web page.And also learned about:
–> text formatting using different styles,borders with different box shapes and sizes,background images and styling different links.
video10: About css3 introduction.
–> Learned about how tyo change sizer of box and shape,gradients and transparecy of colors using css3,creating shadows of texts,divinding coloumns,creating animations,buttons,edit different images in photoshop,orbit animations of earth and moon using css3.
video 11:About Advanced css introduction.
–> Learned about styling forms,inline elements and blocks,float and clear pages using css,positioning such as relative,absolute,fixed,code for google landing page,style sheets for google landing page,photo shop development,and publish in css validator.
video 12: About javascript introduction.
–>About syntax,statements, and case sensitive,of javascript.Its java script output,variables,js arrays,functions,code for calculator, and ifelse functions in java script.
video 13: About jquery introduction.
we understood about jquery introduction,download and install it,syntax of jquery,event methods using jquery and jquery selectors.
video 14: About intermediate jquery introduction
–>we learned about jquery chaining,code for hide and share content,animations,code for car race,modifyinmg css,jquery ui,code for draggong and drop,sorting code,accoprdation,date picker, and listing.
video 15: About Bootstrap introduction.
–>Introduction to bootstrap responsive design.
–>get started with bootstrap,examples,grid system in bootstrrap,craeting responsive forms,tables,buttons and images.also learned about bootstarp helper classes.
video-16: Introduction to web hosting
–> purshasing domains and hoisting,understanding cpanel,ftl and uploading website,and learned about websites.
video 17: Introduction to php
–>php syntax,variables and constants,click baits headlines,arrays in php,functions,different loops lkike while,for,foreach, and dowhile,arguments,get and post, if else statements.
video 18:introduction to database
–>learned to establish a connection between database and php.
–>learned how to select data from database from webpage,and insert data to web page,password hashing,sessions using php,login form using php,html and my sql.
–>creating address book using php and my sql.
video 19: Introduction to wordpress.
–> understood about and
–>to install,login ,plugins and apply customize themes.dashboard i.e,jet pack,posts,media,appearance, to apply wordpress sites,X theme,and their usage.wordpress security,its open source,and back up deatails.publishing products.
video 20: Introduction to career options.
–> I have learned about cultivating career,success,freelance working,quiting job,writing resume,angular js,http,creating n editing data and custom filters and interfaces.
I’m Srujana. In this article i’m going to share “What i’ve learned from the course videos”.
From the Video 01:
Introduction Why This is The Only DesignDevelopment Course Youll Ever Need.
From these videos i’ve learnt photoshop using different tools .I also know about the skills needed for web developer to complete the projects.
Introduction to web design .
From these videos I’ve learnt about:
The basic element principles of visual design are:
- balance
- rythmn
- propotion
- space
- dominance
the hierarchy unity crap principles are:
- In this video I learned about What is Serif?

video-3: Introduction to photoshop.
From the video-3: I have learned about “The four phases of a Web Design Project Cost Estimates”.
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is very easy to understand and make websites as a web designer. We get results in it easily. We can also create some web graphics and designs for business.
-> Creating Photoshop document Is used for modifying or editing images. We open a file with the filename and many features are available in Photoshop like preset, size, content ,colour profile ,mode and ratio.
-> Photoshop environment Adobe Photoshop is a creative version. We can drag images from desktop to Photoshop document. You shortcuts For tools and edit images and text. -> -> We can make magic out of this Photoshop. Shapes, colour ,strokes ,resize, border are available in Photoshop along with graphic design.
-> Photoshop environment palettes,. From different options in Photoshop we can create pallets, layers, case, enlarge ,screen dark ,customise and ,styles in Photoshop.
-> The menu Many options are present in Photoshop as directory hdr, adjustment ,tone colour, style, mode, blur in the menu.
-> Enhancement manipulation Scenery can be changed in Photoshop using the tool for location. It is mostly used in creative market. We Remove unwanted background and manipulate images in Photoshop.
video 4:-web design and phtoshop.
I lerarned about basic tools like wirw framing,mood board,rough,comp,mockup, and abouy users.
Different phases about web design:-
1.Discovery phase
2.creative phase
3.development phase
4.launch phase
–> learned about tools and strategies of user experience ux design.,Blog landing page,free photoshop downloads.
Video-5:Advanced Web Design Challenge
we learned about challenging works in designing.About:
–>creating sitemap,sketching wire frame.
–>phase design in photoshop.
–>getting feed back on design.
–>Flasties tool for designing and sharing concepts.
video 6: Introduction to html
–>I have learned about basic structure of html.
–>i have learned about heading and paragraph tags,its emphasis,hyperlinks,lists,inserting images,tables,entities.
–>also learned about creating web pages easily by using forms.

video 7:-Advanced html and html html5
I have learned different topics on:
–>Introduction to html.about its ID’s and classes.
–>Div and span tags.About web pages. Introduction to expert html5.
–>Coding a web page using html5,html inputs such as labels,range,,form-num…and coding through internet attributes in html5.
video 8:-about css topics
—> I learned about basics of css like syntax,selectors,properties,values,inheritence of styles.measurements,margins,inline elements,inline css,descendant selectors,box models,external css,ID and class selectors,grouping selectorsand design a web page.
video 9:about intermediate css
–> understood introduction about intermediate css,different colors in web page.And also learned about:
–> text formatting using different styles,borders with different box shapes and sizes,background images and styling different links.
video10: About css3 introduction.
–> Learned about how tyo change sizer of box and shape,gradients and transparecy of colors using css3,creating shadows of texts,divinding coloumns,creating animations,buttons,edit different images in photoshop,orbit animations of earth and moon using css3.
video 11:About Advanced css introduction.
–> Learned about styling forms,inline elements and blocks,float and clear pages using css,positioning such as relative,absolute,fixed,code for google landing page,style sheets for google landing page,photo shop development,and publish in css validator.
video 12: About javascript introduction.
–>About syntax,statements, and case sensitive,of javascript.Its java script output,variables,js arrays,functions,code for calculator, and ifelse functions in java script.
video 13: About jquery introduction.
we understood about jquery introduction,download and install it,syntax of jquery,event methods using jquery and jquery selectors.
video 14: About intermediate jquery introduction
–>we learned about jquery chaining,code for hide and share content,animations,code for car race,modifyinmg css,jquery ui,code for draggong and drop,sorting code,accoprdation,date picker, and listing.
video 15: About Bootstrap introduction.
–>Introduction to bootstrap responsive design.
–>get started with bootstrap,examples,grid system in bootstrrap,craeting responsive forms,tables,buttons and images.also learned about bootstarp helper classes.
video-16: Introduction to web hosting
–> purshasing domains and hoisting,understanding cpanel,ftl and uploading website,and learned about websites.
video 17: Introduction to php
–>php syntax,variables and constants,click baits headlines,arrays in php,functions,different loops lkike while,for,foreach, and dowhile,arguments,get and post, if else statements.
video 18:introduction to database
–>learned to establish a connection between database and php.
–>learned how to select data from database from webpage,and insert data to web page,password hashing,sessions using php,login form using php,html and my sql.
–>creating address book using php ang my sql.

video 19: Introduction to wordpress.
–> understood about and
–>to install,login ,piugins and apply customize themes.dashboard i.e,jetpack,posts,media,appearance, to apply wordpress sites,Xtheme,and their usage.wordpress security,its open source,and back up deatails.publishing products.
video 20: Introduction to career options.
–> I have learned about cultivating career,success,freelance working,quiting job,writing resume,angular js,http,creating n editing data and custom filters and interfaces.
I am D.ANUSHA from ITSTARTUP INTERNSHIP. From this course I have learnt about many good tools which are very helpful and I also gained some basic knowledge about web designing. The topics which i had learnt are:
Web design and development: To work as a freelancer, we need many skills for developing projects. Experience is very important for getting job.
We can learn about html, css, html5, css3, visual design, web design, photoshop, javascript, jquery, php, mysql, wordpress in this course and become a freelancer.
Before charging as a freelancer, we should know details about:
what is the project about?
who is the client?
how much does it cost us?
is the project interesting?
VISUAL DESIGN: Visual design aims to shape and improve the user experience through considering the effects of illustrations, photography, typography, space, layouts, and color on the usability of products. Elements and principles together form the building blocks of visual design. The elements of design are following:
- Color.
- Line.
- Point.
- Shape.
- Texture.
- Space.
- Form.
- Unity/harmony.
DESIGN CRAP PRINCIPLES: The four design principles are contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity (C.R.A.P.). Contrast helps to highlight and focus attention. Contrast may be achieved using color, shades of gray, size and visual weight.
TYPOGRAPHY: Typography is an art concerned with design elements that can be applied to the letters and text (as opposed to, say, images, tables, or other visual enhancements) on a printed page.

VIDEO:1:Introduction to Photoshop:I had known the introduction of Photoshop.
Video:2:I had learnt how to create Photoshop document.Video:3:Photoshop environment tool bar-1:I had learnt about the tools which we use in Photoshop.
Photoshop environment tool bar-2:I have learnt about all tools
Video:5: Photoshop palates. We must know specific details. choose all types of selections.
Video: 6:Photoshop menus:We have menus like edit, types, 3D, select filter, view window help.
Video:7: Photoshop enhancement
Video:8: Photoshop project 1
Video:9: Photoshop project 2: I have layered about project of Photoshop
Video:10: wrap up of Photoshop
WEB DESIGN: Web design is the process of creating WEBSITES. There are several different aspects, including webpage layout and graphic design. Websites are created using a MARKUP LANGUAGE called HTML.

Video:1: HTML means HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE. There will be tags, attributes and elements in this language.
Video:2: ID’s are uniques and classes are global. There are some features for fonts and styles.
Video:3: SPAN AND DIV TAG: These are silly and sample tags. Div means block level tag elements and span means line element.
Video:4: HTML-5:In this, we have tags like <header> – heading, <nav> – navigation bar, <section> – sections, <aside> – asides Page, <div> – divides page, <footer> – at ending page
Video:5: This is a HTML project. By using all tags we have to design webpage.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.
There are three types of cascading style sheets. They are:
JAVASCRIPT:Javascript is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers.
jQuery is a JavaScript library that allows web developers to add extra functionality to their websites. It is open source. jQuery can also work with scripting languages such as PHP and ASP to access data from a database.
Bootstrap is most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on web.
Download the latest version i.e., BOOTSTRAP-3.3.5. In the basic version, we have css, fonts and JS. In CSS, we get bootstrap-theme.css ,, bootstrap-theme.min.css , bootstrap.css , bootstrap.css.maP, bootstrap.min.css.
In fonts, we get glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot, glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg , glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttg , glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff , glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2.
In JS, we get bootstrap.jS, bootstrap.min.js, npm.js(autogenerated)
create a new file in bootstrap and name it as index.html. Take a basic template and copy the HTML to begin working with a minimal bootstrap document.Go to copy to clipboard and copy and paste it in index.html and run it.
PHP is a server side scripting language. It is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). MySQL is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation. The data in a MySQL database are stored in tables which consists of columns and rows. MySQL is a database system that runs on a server.
Capital W and capital P is a free open source.
There are home,web hosting,why us, guarantees, contact us,help center, login in justhost.
For hosting login, we should type domain or username and password and then we should submit.
After login, there will be cpanel. Cpanel is nothing but control panel. Now scroll down then there will be website builders. In website builders, go to install WordPress and install it.
Go to jetpack, go to posts and then go to add new and then go to all dates.go to add new post and click something like “my first blog post” and click some topic. Here we also have bold, italic for letters.There is also base color scheme. We can keep it as pink, blue etc . Now save it and publish.
In USERS we have all users, Add new and Your profile. And also in users we have username, name, e-mail, role and posts. The role can be subscriber, contributor, author, editor or administrator.
Tools contains available tools , Import, Export.
Settings contains general ,Writing , Reading, Discussions and Media.
VIDEO:2: USING FREE AND PREMIUM PLUGINS:here the plugins contains installed plugins, add new and editor.
In this, what we need are Text editor, local web server, angular js, bootstrap, UI bootstrap. Go to and go to download link of your suitable operating system.
we also need a web server. Goto mamp:myapache-mysql-php and download it.
download angular js. There are bootstrap, angular-ui-bootstrap.
GO to “finder” window. In that you go to applications. then go to MAMP directory and then click htdocs and create a folder ng-cribs. Save this as index.html. we also need a javascriptr file as app.js
Copy the bootstrap links and paste it in index.html. Now go to google and type localhost/ng-cribs/
now we will get a message as Hello ng-cribs! (what we had typed in index.html). Now go to view page source. Then we will get angular js and bootstrap links in good way.
MODEL: Database communication
VIEW: content displayed on screen
CONTROLLER: Ties the model and view together.

I am G.Maneesha.
From these course videos i have leareaned a lot of data.i learned about html , html5 , javascripts , css ,jquery , css3 , avanced jquery , php,mysqul data bases , word press.
Video -1.
Ultimate Web designer course. This is an introduction of Web development. And ala design development.
What you get in the course.Html,css,css, j query, photoshop,WordPress, javascript, php,mysql. In each course we have series of sections.
Video -3.Adobe photoshopfor .
It is expensive. For free trail we have gimp and pixlr sites.For 30 days we have /photoshop. It is of free trail. All free fonts,graphics,visuals…etc.,
How much you should charge. We have to know each and every details of project. for free trails.
Introduce wrap up what you’ve learned. Freelanceprojects,websites,photoshop .Good understanding questions and problems.
Introduction to visual design.
Basic elements – we have elements like- lines,shapes, colour palate, texture,form and typography. We have 7 principles of visual design Balance,Rythm, Proportion,space,dominance, hierarchy,unity.
Video -2
Principles Contact, Repetition, Alignment, proximity.
Typography. I have leaned about serif typeface,sans-serif typeface,basic typeface
Science of colours.I have learned about the types of colurs we have they are likePrimary,secondary,tertiary colours.
Video -5.
Designing with grids . We have approaches like single column, multi column,modular column, hierarchical column.
Wrap up We have 3 books of visual design mainly. 1.BIG BRAND THEORY. 2.THINKING WITH TYPE. 3.100 IDEAS THAT CHANGED GRAPHIC DESIGN. We have 3 websites. And have learned the word press videos also about Plugins, word press themes,Xtheme,word press security, word press Ecommerce. So I have learned 3 fo Folder -3
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop.
Video -1
I learned about the introduction of photoshop.
Video -2.
Creating photoshop document.
I learned how to create photoshop document.
Photoshop environment tool bar-1.
I learned about the tools that are used in photoshop.
Photoshop environment tool bar-2.
I have learned about all the tools.
Photoshop palates.
We must know specific details.
Chose the all types of selections .
Photoshop menus.
We have menus like edit,
Types,select filter, 3D,view window help.
Photoshop enhancement.
Video-8 Photoshop project 1
Video-9 Photoshop project 2
I have layered about the projects of photoshop who to do the edits.
Wrap up of photoshop.
Introduction of Web desinging, websites and photoshop.
Introduction .
Video -2.
Jargon and prod use.
Jargon means some words which are like buzz words.
Mainly of 5 words.
I have learned all the buzz words the meanings of the words.And the sketching of the design.
Video -3.
The four phases of a Web design project.
I have learned about the phases before designing the projects the steps are to be taken to handle the designs.
Video -4.
User experience design.
Before starting a project we should have a discovery phase.which focus on user experience design.
We should have UX design.
Make Good UX design.
UX design is important to the user.
Anatomy of a website design
Every design has own way creating layout.
We have common elements like.
Header and navigation.
Call to action.
Primary content.
Secondary content.
Slide bar.
960 Grid system
Here we see photoshop grid system.
Website – .It is of 960 pixels.
It gives responsible frame works.
A bunch of members.
Web design project -1.
It is of project of landing page.
WWeb design project -2
Redesign a blog of landing page.
Redesign a blog landing page.
Video -10
Wrap up.
Difference between challenge and project had explained in this video.
Create a site map.
Start with discover phase.
Spread sheet,top level pages,sub level pages organise them.
Video -3.
wire frame of layouts.
Begin sketching and wireframes if the page.
Design your website.
Getting feedback.
We can use free tools use it and share the feedbacks.
Wrap up
Introduction to html.
What is html.
it consists of tags ,attributes, elements.
It has <opening> and </closing> tags
Basic structure of a website.
URL most case sensitive.
No spaces.Special characters.
Code editors
We have editor like.
Coda 2,Barbones,notepad++,Sublime text, bracelets.
Hello world.
First Web page.
Video -6
Wrap up.
folder-7:Intermediate to HTML
Introduction of HTML
I have learned the introduction of HTML
Basic structure of an HTML document.
I have learned the basic structure of HTML
<title> My first webpage <title>
Hello World
Heading Tags
I learned about Heading Tags
I learned are g b heading
where <h1> is larger font
<hb>is smaller font
Strong emphasis
<em> </em> = this tag shows the text in itlaic form
<strong> </strong> = this tag shows in dark brightned text
It links the one file to another file
It opens in another browser
there are 3 types of lists
1) unordered list
2) ordered list
3) description list
How to insert the images. there is no close tag.
it will be like <img str=path>
How to write the data into the tables by using <table> tag
How to write the forms
Special entites
They are like ©,&ang,&veg,&vaquo
Basic webpage
By using all tags,forms,tables,images creating the web page.
folder-7:Intermediate to HTML
Introduction of HTML
I have learned the introduction of HTML
Basic structure of an HTML document.
I have learned the basic structure of HTML
<title> My first webpage <title>
Hello World
Heading Tags
I learned about Heading Tags
I learned are g b heading
where <h1> is larger font
<hb>is smaller font
Strong emphasis
<em> </em> = this tag shows the text in itlaic form
<strong> </strong> = this tag shows in dark brightned text
It links the one file to another file
It opens in another browser
there are 3 types of lists
1) unordered list
2) ordered list
3) description list
How to insert the images. there is no close tag.
it will be like <img str=path>
How to write the data into the tables by using <table> tag
How to write the forms
Special entites
They are like ©,&ang,&veg,&vaquo
Basic webpage
By using all tags,forms,tables,images creating the web page.
Intriduction to HTML-5
In this we learn more tags of HTML
ID’s and classes
ID’s are uniques
classes are global
It means there have some styles and features for fonts and styles
Span and DIV tag
there arev like sample and silly tags. DIV means block level tag elements
span means line element.there are like bodset
In the HTML-5 we have the tags like
<header> = it is of heading type
<nav> = it is a navigation bar
<section> = it is of sections
<aside> = aside the page
<div> = it divides the page
<footer> = ending if page
HTML-5 project
this is of HTML project by using all the tags we have to design the webpage
this is an introduction of the html-5
it is an introduction of all tags.
html input links.
here we use html
links for the label tag also to describe it like in their forms also
like eg <label for=”form_email>
make html-5 comptatible with internet explorer.
by using the html we can also make it comptitable with internet explorer.we have the techniques.
html data attribute.
we have the attributes by own. we can consider and fix the length.
we can take our own to create the attributes for the particular data.
html wrap up
it gives the wrap up and what are futher learning and whats next.
essentials of is a lerning system course files.
cascading style is for presentation.
it is like the rule
inheritance of styles.
we define of different styles for parent and child also or parent styles get to children.
measurements and the box model
em and rem.
box model-it apperrs within a box layout of a page.css trreats all elements in tghe same way.
inline css
inline css means the style tag consider inlinely whee you want to make changes.
<p style=”color:orange; border:1px;>
internal css
the style sheet will be taken at internal part of the coding.
external css
here the style css will be write or save in another file
<link rel=”style sheet” type=”text/css” href=”style.css”>
id and class sectors.
#id main_title{ }
.section header{ }
descendant selectors.
by selecting the particular selectors
eg: primary_box
eg:secondary_box p em
grouping selectors
it is directly of by grouping selectors.
eg: .primary_box,secondary_box
in css we have some specificity.we have fun resoureces on the web called as specificity calculator which allows you to type of groups of selectors.
url link: http//
css project
by using the html tags create a page and use style sheets.
wrap up and whats nwxt.
intermmediate of css
html has colour values
we hve some websits like w3 schools
we can see the of colours of html numbers.
colours sorted by hex values.
text styling and formatting
styling stylesheet.css
css border
we have borer pixels for classes,boxex and id
background images
we have the image backgrounds by usimg the image tags.
styling links
this is of styling links.
wrap up and futher learning.
advanced css
intoduction of avanced css and this techniques.
styling web forms
different tyes of styles for the web forms using the tag <link> also
block,inline and inline block.
block-the majority of elements are defined as block elements.
they take whole line in the browser.
inline-doesnot take the whole line.
block_inline-hybird between inline and block.
understanding flat clear once and for all
we can use clear and clear the data.
<div class=”clear”>
relative,absolute and fixed positions
the positions of the relative ,absolute and fixed positions.
css project build with google.
A css project with build as google by using all style sheets and tags.
css project build with google home page part-2.
outro wrapup
wrapup of the advanced cs and whats next topics.
what is css3?
introduction of css3
it is an advanced of css style sheets.
css box size and round corners
see w3 schools for css3 box sizing.we browse by chrome in webskit browser.
eg. _website_border_radius:100px.
css3 colour gradients.
we use rgba
rgba means red green blue alpha
alpha means transparent capacity.we can use this for saturation.
css shadows
we can also have shadows in the box.
box_shadow:10px 10px 15px
text_shadow:-10px 10px
css3 columns
eg.newspaper as we seperate the topics are added in same page .thiis is done by usinf css columns.
css animations and transitions
we have animations nd transistions by using animation duration,delay,box,function.
projected animation buttons
same as animations whivh are used in button class.
css3 project2 code an orbiting planet animation.
css3 project2 code an orbiting planet animation part-2.
wrapup video.
html css challenging design in html put in photoshop document.
how to slice a photoshop design convert it into html css.
how to slice bonus tutorials
in this folder we learn the photoshop document ass using and challenging by tag html.
introduction of java scripts.
IT is a object oriented programming language.
it is different from html and stylesheets.
internal and external javascripts.
eg:<script type=”text/javascript”>
document getaElementID(output).
innerHTML=”this is a sentence”.
basic syntax of javascripts
it is not same as is a additional programming language.
java is not short as likee of javascripts.
statements in java scripts are:
java script output
it is has alert boxes.
java script varaiables
var a=10;
var b=20;
var c=a+b;
java script arrays
javascript functions
java script if else statements
java script program a tip calcuulator.
java script program a tip calcuulator tutorial.
section outro and wrapup
intoduction to jquery
jquerey can do has more power.
download and install jquery
the simple syntax of jquery
{ alert(“hello”) }
note: is of methods wht are available in jquery.
jquery selectors
jquery event methods.
alert(“you just clicked the box”);
intermmediate of jquery
jquery chaining.
the chaining of jquery of the scripts.
hiding,showing,fading content with jquery.
the hiding ,showing and fadding content of the jquery.
we can hide and show the content of jquery.
the jquery animation
modifying css with jquery.
jquery project mini race car game tutorial.
wrap up and futher leraning and whats next.
section intro what is jquery UI course files.
jquery UI draggable.
UI user interface. website-
it is highly is perfect trace.
install jquery UI.
eg.$(‘#box1’).draggable({ scroll:true,revert:{‘invalid’}
jquery UI droppable
jquery UI sortable
jquery UI accordion
jquery UI datepicter
it is of date setting and day asv like calendar
jquery project to do list web aplication tutorial.
wrap up of jquery.
bootstrap inroduction.
getting started with bootstrap
bootstrap install.
we have bootstrap,source code,saas services and examples.
quickly protocol with examples.
eg.using frame works,navbars,custom components,template,built in functions,bootstrap started template.
understanding the bootstrap grid system.
bootstrap column griding.
responsive and forms.
responsive tables,buttons and images.
eg.default buttons,button styles,button sizes and block level buttons.
helper classes and responsive utilities.
bootstrap using and glyphicons font icons. download
it is used in web designs.we have icons and logos .
there are of 250 icons.
bootstrap nav bar
it is of horizontal bar.
bootstrap modal window.
it is of launc demo modal.
bootstrap toggable tabs.
sliding carousel.
wrap up and futher lerning.
advanced bootstrap challenge.
Your challenge convert your custom website into a responsive bootstrap site.
take the design or build the css in challenging put the entire code in the bootstrap.utilize the codes and htmland all css by bootstrap .
share the feedback and messages you want to share.
web hosting domains.
section intro what is web hosting.
it is a quick and is the method and hosting how we can put or set the website on the web pages.
purchasing a bundled domain name hosting package.
domain naming and web hosting.there are several factors.we must transferthe website,rename it,hosting the website,creating new website.
sign up the websites and select the plans to create it.
the hosting control pannel.
back end to the hosting account.
we hosting,accounts and domains.
we also have FTP account to create and manage.
section outro wrap up and whats next.
php-hyper text preprocessor.
it is a popular servicing side programming langage and webdesigning.we can program directly.
PHP syntax
print(“hello world”); (or)
echo(“hello world”);
php arrays,associative arrays and multi dimensions.
}print $user[0]</br>……$user[4].
PHP project program an app to fix click bait headlines tutorials.
PHP project click bait headlines.
section outro wrap up and whats next.
intermmediate of html.
if else statements.
{code to execute;}
{ …}
php opertaions and opertors.
php loops.
we have loops like for,foreach and while.
php aruguments anf functions.
eg;function myfun();
we have withand without argument.
GET and POST methods.
eg;1.<form action=”form.get.php” method=”get”>
eg;2.<?php echo $_GET>
php project convert a static website into a dynamic php site tutorial.
section outro wrap up and whats next.
Today I have learned the topics which are described in WordPress.
Introduction of WordPress. There are of 2 types. It is a world popular management system.
Vdeo -2.
How to install word press .
The steps how to install the word press .
How it is used it is explained in this video. I learned how to insert pages,media’s and post.
Iam Gayathri Pudipeddi. Iam writing this article to share what have I learnt from "Summer Internship Program " offered by "Harmony Infotech".
Iam a student from Dr.L.Bullayya College of Engineering For Women. I have been asked to go through a set of videos under Common Video Folder. I have seen the videos and learnt that what a web developer is capable of & what one should acheive regarding the languages i.e.,what are languages required to be accomplished by the one who want to be a web developer.
Here are the things I learnt about a web developer:
There are 3 types of Web Developers :
– Front End Developer/Web Designer (HTML, CSS, Front-End JS).
– Server Side Programmer (PHP, Python, Node.js, Rails, Java).
– Full Stack Development (Front and Back End Development).
I learnt from the videos of common folder about the tools available for web development and tips on how to code effectively.
I learnt automation hacks to make complex works completed easily with some techniques.And also learnt how to setup Ubuntu for web development. I have now came to know about the ultimate tools and resources for web development.
Here are some free tools to find bussiness fame:
TOOL 1: business name generator
SHOPIFY- it is e-commerce paltform an it provides many ideas to relatedour business.
TOOL 2: bust a name – this will used to generate domain name or brand name.
TOOL 3:BiznameWiz – this website different from others.
TOOL 4: nameboy – it also generate domain name.
Here are the tools for creating animated gifts:
- Imgflip
-animated gif maker
-make a gif
I even got to know the tools available to record your screen and an alternative to photoshop & I find it very interesting.
Here are some free tools for creating web marketing graphics :
The tools are :
Some websites to find word press jobs :
-wphired etc.
I have learnt many things and tried them myself . The tools specified in the videos are very helpful.
This is all about what I learnt.
Thank You
I’m Krishita Priya Dasari from your IT startup internship. I started viewing these videos from 15th may. In this summary article i’m going to mention about the things I have learnt from the common folder.
I started viewing these common course videos from MAY-15th onwards. From this common course I have learnt about many good tools which are very helpful and I also gained some basic knowledge about web designing.
Things that I have learnt from common course :
From video 1 : I have learnt about finding a web developer job with zero experience :
The three types of web developers
1.Front-end developer
2.Back-end developer
3.Full stack developer, And how to build our resume, networking, and some online resources.
In today’s scenario we need experience to get a job and job to get an experience.So first we need to be confident with what we have learnt.
One should be good at HTML, CSS and JavaScript to become a Front End Developer. To become a Back End Programmers we should be good with One Stack (LAMP, MEAN, etc).
There are 3 types of Web Developers :
– Front End Developer/Web Designer (from HTML, CSS, Front-End JS).
– Server Side Programmer (from PHP, Python, Node.js, Rails, Java).
– Full Stack Development ( from Front and Back End Development).
When we become a web developer, we must know about some common basics about web designing. I learned about different types of web developers and their skills.
Some basic tips to build resume.
From video 2 : tips on learning how to right code :
Learnt about:
- How to remember all the code : by understanding and grasping the concept.
- Action to be taken : Understand every line of code and re-create similar situations, make and fix mistakes.
- Do not stop coding : we have to code everyday and learn something new everyday.
As a web developer must create a brand and use the networking to grow our business .like social media, meet ups, etc.,
For job searching follow some online resources. ex: indeed ,portfolio website ,etc.,
From video 3 : Must known web-development tech :
Learnt about : Detailed view of web-development technologies.
Described about basic front-end,front-end developers,back-end developers with their appropriate tools,frameworks,languages & softwares.
As a programmer must understand the each line and do some changes in code to easily learn the coding.
•Must follow three principles in coding.
Those are:
-Keep it simple
-don’t repeat you’re self
-you aren’t gona need it
From video 4 : Setup linux ubuntu for web development
Learnt about : how to setup linux ubuntu for web development.
We can use different databases to storing data.
Example: rdbms, mysql, apache, mongo DB.
From video 5 : Chrome extension for web developers and web designers
Learnt about : Some of the chrome extensions such as Java script & CSS code beautifier , web developer , created git hub account for accessing gist box , PHP console , window resizer, colorzilla etc.
Adding some extensions to chrome for easily finding the java script code,errors in php,saving code etc.,
Design of Online airline ticket reservation system:
From video 6 : Emmet for faster HTML & CSS workflow :
Learnt about : Installing “emmet” , a tool for web development for faster HTML and CSS workflow. .Emett is the popular text editor to provide faster html and css work flow.
•Atom is the another text editor and introduces by github.
I have designed a Online Airline ticket reservation system home page also…
From video 7 : Automation hacks for entrepreneurs lightning around :
Learnt about : Inspiration for Automation , hacks to grow & Engage your audience : learnt how to engage audience by following back new followers,hacks for finding new costumers,hacks to become the master of your personal work.
- Created zapier account and linked zapier with twitter account. We can follow 11 hacks for developing business as a entrepreneur.
•We can retwitt the followers and giving reply message to the followers to developing business.
•Face book ads, contact form for customers, providing templates in social media is the better way for finding customers.
•Using zapier sending mails to the customers and reply back to the mails.
•For developing business we can use tools like, zapier, buffer, clandely and streak ,etc.,
•When join any course, we can politely ask for reviews and send the feedback form to the people.
From video 8 : Use some tools and resources to host your websites and for growing business.
•Some websites can provide some resources and tools to creating free gifs , recording screen.
•Example: imageflip, imgur, giphy, etc.,for for recording screens: atomi, camstudio, ezvid, etc.,
•Some tools and resources can be used to creating web graphics and passive income as a freelancer web graphics.
•Some websites can provide tools and resources for using stock images, music in commercial and personal projects.
Example: free music archive, youtube, vimeo music and etc., for images: pixabay, stock snap, free stock, etc.,
12 websites can provide passive income freelancer jobs as a writer.
Example: stackoverflow, smashing, codeable, word pressand etc.,
From video : ultimate tools and resources for entrepreneurs:
Learnt about –
- Free tools to find business name : implemented some of the tools in finding bussiness names.Some of the websites are :
- Shopify
- Bust a name
- Biz name wiz
- Name boy
Free tools to create animated GIFs : tools such as
- Animated gifs
- imgflip
- make a
I have created a gif from

Free tools to record your screen : implemented tools such as
- cam studio
- ezvid,atomi
- screen press o
- bandicam
Alternative tools for photoshop : implemented tools such as :
- photo pos pro
- PIXLR editor
- photopea
Edited the photo by changing its background and adding some text.Here is the photo
I have designed a poster using
I have done with some logos for designer clothes(Libaas)
Free tools for creating web marketing graphics :
- The tools are :
- canva
- fotor
- fotojet
I have also done with an advertizing video for ADORHER , which is about earrings….
Websites to find word press jobs :
- wpmedev,codeble
- wphired etc.
From video : automation hacks for entrepreneurs lighting around :
I have learnt about :
This video has 11 automation hacks for entrepreneurs lightning around.And my 3 favorite hacks are :
- Social media
- Finding customers
- Personal Productivity
These hacks will accelerate our growth as an entrepreneur.
- We can retweet the followers or can give a thank you message or just a thank you tweet for increasing our business for maintaining good relationships with the costumers.
- Finding questions on twitter and other social networking sites and targeting the right people, promoting our business through face book or other social networking sites ads , creating contact form for customers, providing templates in social media are the better ways finding and attracting more no.of customers.
- Master your inbox with streak to get more personal productivity.
- Using zapier for sending mails and replying back to the mails of the customers decreases workstress and makes the work easy and takes less time.
- And for developing the business we can use tools like zapier,socedo,buffer,calendly,cognito forms and streak etc.
Thank you