21 06 19

we are very glad that we are part of this Hackathon program and will consider this as an important opportunity for the progress of our skills.we can surely say that we had a wonderful experience by taking part in this event and we learnt a lot things ,starting from building the team ,thinking out of box for an innovative and useful idea, giving it a shape in such a way that it could reach the people . the best idea we got in this process is SHAYARI -Hidden thoughts…!” . our project is mainly based on people who writes poems and quotes but never exhibit their talent due to many reasons .so for those people our project is the best platform to showcase their hidden thoughts .Here comes our logo





We designed our launching page also


PoetryDB is an API for internet poets which is used for writing the poems and IMG4Me is a free service to convert your text into image. You can use this service to prevent crawlers and robots from copying your email address, articles, or website contents. Meanwhile, you can handle encoding errors as well if your text is in non-English characters



19 06 19

I’m very glad that I’m part of this hackathon program and will consider this as an important opportunity for the progress of my skills..

Our tasks for today include the following

  • portfolio
  • graphical resume
  • completion of watching videos
  • defining a problem API
  • establishing a company
  • create a logo for the company
  • prepare a wireframe





“Why should poets care?” The answer is blowing in the data winds. Internet technology is making words endlessly manipulable, and traditional poets and writers are getting left behind. I want to change this, by giving us all a leg up into a more empowered future.

IMG4Me is a free service to convert your text into image. You can use this service to prevent crawlers and robots from copying your email address, articles, or website contents. Meanwhile, you can handle encoding errors as well if your text is in non-English characters.

28 05 19

I, YAMINI NOONELA started this internship on 15th may and done with the common folder on 27 may. after starting this course i have learnt a lot of things and implemented some of them.this article is about the things that i learnt from the common folder.

01.how to find a web developer job with no experience:

I learnt about the three types of web developers, those are:

  • front-end developer/web designer:HTML,css,front-end js.
  • serve -side programmer:Php,python,node.js,rails and java.
  • full stack developer:front and back end developer.

i also learnt how to create-an effective resume,networking the website and online resources.

02.tips on learning how to code :

*instead of remembering all the code ,understand and grasp the things is an efficient way of learning the code.

*code every day and learn something every day.

03.must known web development tech:

*brief explanation about the web designing-basic front end,basic front end developers etc.

04.setup Linux Ubuntu for web  development

Description:-In this video I have learnt about how to setup Linux Ubuntu for web development and for this we have to install the Google chrome from Google .Com and there is also an alternative for this which is done by using terminator .I got to know the various types of commands that are being used like  $ sudo apt.get update which is used for updation process and many other commands are used until the terminator gets installed in it. In this the text editor named atom is used  I got to know these things after watching the 4th video 

05.chrome extensions for web developers and web designers

 Description:- In this video I have come to know some of the chrome extensions which are used by programmers,web developers ,web designers and also for building web applications .                   

 They are as follows :

● Java script and CSS beatufier

● Web developer

 ● Gist Box clipper 

● PHP console 

● Postman(it is an app used to send http requests to servers )

● Marmoset (app)

● Window resizer

● Color Zilla 

● Lorem Ipsum Generator (Default text)

● Wappalyzer

● React developer tools

● Momentum                     

By watching this video I found it very useful and helpful to me in future .

06.Emmet for faster HTML and CSS workflow
Description :-The things I have learnt in this video are :

● Emmet is a tool used for web developing

● By using this tool we can quickly add markup and css 

● we can use any of the text editors that are present .In the video atom is used 

● The process to install the Emmet in atom

 ● HTML: Shortcuts for all the tags that are used in the HTML are explained in detail.

● CSS: The css is not discussed in detail but the maximum is explained in it .● Actions: Shortcuts like comments and many more .
 I found this video really useful and helpful 

  • Created Zapier account and linked zapier with twitter account.

 From video– Ultimate Free Tools And Resources For Entrepreneur :

Learnt about –

  • Free tools to find business name: Implemented some of the tools in finding business name.Some of the websites are , Sophify, Bust a name, Biz name wiz ,Name boy.
  •  Free tools to create animated GIFs: Tools such as Animated GIF maker- imgflip, imgur.com, Gifs.com,GifRun.com,make a gif.com,GIFY.

 created animated  gif in imgflip.com : Here is the link-

  • Free tools to record your screen: Implemented tools such as  cam studio, icecreamapps.com, ezvid, atomi, screen press o, bandicam .
  • Alternative tools for photoshop: Tools such as, photo pos pro ,GIMP, PIXLR editor, photopea, paint.net, canva etc.
tv fight punch twins sister GIF

Edited photo by changing its background and  adding some text.Here is the photo

  • Free tools to create web marketing graphics:Canva,Fotor and Fotojet.
  •  Website To Find WordPress Job: jobswordpress.net, wpmedev, codeble, wphired etc

Image result for images on computer

Automation Hacks for Entrepreneur Lightning Round :-

Video :-1(Inspiration for Automation)
Description:-In this video I have learnt how to maximize our outputs so that our business runs well 

● social media 

● finding customers

● personal productivity

Video :-2(Hacks to grow and amp;engage your audience) 

Description:-  In this video I have learnt the social media Hacks .some of them are 

● follow back new followers 

● send new followers a thank you tweet

● Instagram —>Twitter photo tweets

 ● ring prospects with socedoI have also got to know about the tool named zapier 

Video :-3(Hacks for finding new customers)
Description:-This video is mainly about the finding the new customers.Three things are discussed in it they are 

● asking questions in Twitter with the example of Reddit

 ● to target people on Facebook 

● set up customer referral program 

Video :-4(Hacks to become the master of your personal work)Description :-This video is mainly about the personal productivity

Video :-5(Thanks for watching go create something great  )

Description:-This video is the summary of all the Hacks 

● zappier

● buffer

● socedo

● calendly

● steak for gmail

● cognito forms

Video :-6(Bonus hack #1)Description:-This video is about how to ask politely for reviews