Iam k.Sai deepika paricipated in hackathon conducted by vizag startups.My team number is 9.And my developer and designer of my team are G.Rajeswari and D.sai sujana.
With fellow developers of vizag startups, we had the initiative to participate in the hackathon. I found it an interesting challenge and I accepted the proposal. Participating in these kinds of events puts our skills to the test .
*We have done some of the tasks like ….
creating portofolio.
creating graphical resume.
completed courses in common folder and also learned many new things froms webdevelopment course.
Attended pre-null meetup for hackers using python.
Created some website like diskprices.com using html .
*The stopwatch started. The first step of the team was to decide the platform to present our project.
we decided and came to an idea of “TRANSLAUNCE” .In this it detects the language of text and analyses the emotion in text either positive or negative.
we created logo and wireframe of our website.Aand also created landing page of website…
*One of the curiosities of the Hackathon that caught my attention was the existing competitiveness, which increased with the passage of the hours. We will try to compete among the members of the team to reach the goals in the shortest possible time.
logo of our site:
from team 9:
k.sai deepika
D.sai sujana