18 06 19

It had been a wonderful working experience today .Our team has done exceptionally well looking forward for a splendid outcome!!

firstly,thankyou VIzay Startups for giving this opportunity we are now well equpied with the working enviorme

Today ,we were asked to just get all our tasks done before we kick start our project and after a while we have mentors helping us around with our queries on different topic

and then we had been given a task to select the min of 2-3 API’s and get an idea .and the ideas must involve the coding techniques used by the APIs and this helped us to create a web application

After the break,we are asked to group up and take our roles such as a CEO,DEVELOPER AND DESIGNER and come up with the logo and the idea of the project

and we came out with the web page for restaurants near you

and the web application is BON APPETITE

and we have desinged our logo

and then we are given the task of creating the wireframe of our landing page

and we need to complete the landing page

that’s all about the Day 1 of our hackaton

thanks for the opportunity!!


harshithabarri (team 15)
