30 04 24

In today’s digital age, everyone needs an online presence to promote their businesses, express their creativity and also a website serves as a virtual store for many businesses welcoming customers from across the globe. However creating and hosting a website may seem challenging especially when you are on a tight budget.

Luckily, we have some tools and platforms available which offer free website hosting without spending even a single penny. These tools provide us all the necessary infrastructure to publish your website on internet.

1. GitHub Pages – github.pages.com

GitHub Pages is a popular choice for hosting static websites. If your website consists mainly of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, GitHub Pages offers free hosting directly from your GitHub repository. Especially, version control of Git is amazing. We can also use GitHub to collaborate with open source projects on internet.

2. WordPress – wordpress.org

WordPress.com provides a free plan that allows you to create and host a basic website with a WordPress subdomain (e.g., xyz.wordpress.com). Basically we don’t even need to write any code to create our website in WordPress which makes it even more simpler. WordPress website remains fast, secure, and accessible to everyone.

3. Netlify – netlify.com

Netlify provides free hosting for static websites with continuous deployment from Git. It also offers features like form handling, serverless functions, and global CDN support. Mainly, Netlify is used for hosting websites which has frameworks like ReactJS, ExpressJS etc. However, It’s a fantastic option for hosting modern, high-performance websites.

4. Firebase – firebase.google.com

Firebase Hosting is a web hosting service provided by Google as part of the Firebase platform, which is a mobile and web application development platform. Firebase Hosting allows developers to deploy web apps quickly and securely. Personally, I have used firebase in my recent project in order to add functionality of authentication from google. With the Firebase CLI, you can deploy your web app with just a few simple commands.

5. Render – render.com

Render is a modern cloud platform that offers a range of services including hosting for web apps, databases, and background workers. We can directly link our GitHub repository to Render and trigger a build from the website whenever we change the code in our repository. It supports automatic scaling, continuous deployment, and provides built-in HTTPS and custom domains.

6. Vercel – vercel.com

Vercel is mostly used for hosting Next.js applications as it provides features like automatic SSL, serverless deployment, preview deployments, and collaboration tools. It can also be used for website with other frameworks like ReactJS, ExpressJS etc. Vercel provides integration with version control systems like Git, enabling continuous deployment workflows.

These are all the websites which help me build and host a website without any hefty investment. With these many free hosting options available, anyone can establish their online presence without spending a rupee. Whether you’re a developer, blogger, or professional, these platforms and tools help you to share your ideas with the world, one webpage at a time. So why wait? Explore the infinite possibilities of the web, where your ideas take flight and your vision becomes reality. Build your online empire without spending a penny!

30 04 24


As part of my internship journey at Harmony Infotech , I embarked on a research quest to uncover the most affordable Linux VPS servers available in the market. This article details my findings, including screenshots of the search process and the resources I discovered.

What is Linux VPS?

A Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtualized environment that runs on a Linux-based operating system. Unlike shared hosting where multiple websites share the same server resources, a VPS provides dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth to each virtual server. This isolation ensures better performance, security, and control over the server environment.

Research Methodology:

To begin my research, I utilized popular search engines such as Google and hosting comparison websites. I focused on factors such as pricing, server specifications (e.g., CPU core, RAM, etc.), customer reviews, and reliability.


During my research, I got to know about popular Linux VPS servers available and also their uses and specifications. Some of them are:

  • MyHost VPS Servers: https://myhost.io/
    • MyHost offers dedicated servers with high quality hardware, DDOS protection and great connectivity.
    • Plan: KVM Light.
    • Price: 445.65 rupees per month.
    • Resources:
      • 2 CPU Core
      • 2 GB RAM
      • 40 GB SSD Storage
      • 10 TB Bandwidth

  • VPSag VPS and Cloud Servers: https://www.vpsag.com/
    • VPS.AG offer 24/7 support, both container based and full virtualization servers and also cloud based infrastructure.
    • Price: 267.49 rupees per month.
    • Backup available.
    • Resources:
      • 1 CPU Core
      • 2 GB RAM
      • 20 GB SSD Storage
      • 3 TB Bandwidth

  • OVHcloud: https://www.ovhcloud.com/asia/vps/
    • OVHcloud is providing VPS servers for the new customers at the lowest cost for the first one year of usage.
    • Plan: Starter.
    • Price: 80.97 rupees per month in the first year.
    • Resources:
      • 1 CPU Core
      • 2 GB RAM
      • 20 GB SSD Storage

  • Contabo: contabo-linux-vps
    • Contabo VPS refers to virtual private server hosting services offered by Contabo, a reputable hosting provider known for its cost-effective solutions. Contabo’s VPS plans provide users with virtualized server environments, allowing them to utilize dedicated resources such as CPU cores, RAM, SSD storage, and bandwidth at competitive pricing levels.
    • Plan: Cloud VPS 1
    • Price: 646.89 rupees per month
    • Resources:
      • 4 vCPU Core
      • 6 GB RAM
      • 400 GB SSD Storage
      • Data Transfer: 32 TB traffic

Which one is the affordable Linux VPS server according to price and reliability?

  • Compared to other VPS providers, Contabo has the reasonable price because for other providers, they typically charge between 400-500 rupees for 2 vCPU cores. But contabo offers 4 vCPU cores for 646 rupees per month.
  • Contabo not only offers vCPUs (Virtual CPUs) but also provides ample SSD storage compared to other providers.
  • Additionally, Contabo is scalable because websites hosted here can accommodate increasing traffic and workload demands.
  • Contabo also offers customer support to assist users with technical issues, troubleshooting, and general inquiries related to their VPS hosting services. Support channels typically include ticket-based support and email communication.
  • Other VPS providers such as MyHost and Vultr are also affordable options worth considering for web hosting.


After thorough research, I’ve identified several low-cost Linux VPS server options suitable for various needs. It’s crucial to consider not only the price but also the resources provided, reliability, customer support, and scalability when choosing a VPS hosting provider.

30 04 24

What is Linux ?

Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system. In fact, one of the most popular platforms on the planet, Android, is powered by the Linux operating system. An operating system is software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with your desktop or laptop. To put it simply, the operating system manages the communication between your software and your hardware. Without the operating system (OS), the software wouldn’t function. The Linux operating system comprises several different pieces – Bootloader, Kernel, Init system, Daemons, Graphical server, Desktop environment, Applications.

What is Linux vps?

A VPS, short for ‘virtual private server’, is a virtual machine with hardware resources dedicated to you. One of the key advantages of this solution is its cost, as it is has a much more affordable price tag than a standard dedicated server. A Linux VPS is a server specially designed to work with Linux distributions. However, you can still install an operating system of your choice — so you can get a Windows VPS, for example.

How choosing Linux vps server would be more optimal?

A VPS and a web hosting plan are designed to suit two different needs. If you just want to host a website or blog without having to deal with server configuration and administration, then a web hosting plan would be the best option for you. It focuses on the hosting aspect, offering standard configurations used by most CMS tools and platforms. 

If your project requires a specific server configuration, a certain operating system, and admin access to manage the environment and monitoring, then we would advise opting for a VPS. This way, you get root access to the server and can configure it to suit your needs.

Advantages of Linux vps server.

Linux-based VPS servers offer cost-effectiveness, stability, customization, performance optimization, security, and robust community support, making them an ideal choice for hosting a wide range of applications, websites, and services. Whether you’re a small business owner, developer, or IT professional, Linux VPS servers provide the flexibility and reliability needed to meet your hosting requirements effectively.

Factors to consider while choosing a cheap Linux vps server.

  1. Pricing : There are different pricing models offered by VPS providers, such as hourly, monthly, or annual billing, and do discuss the importance of affordability.
  2. Resources : According to your hosting needs make sure about the resources like CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwith.
  3. Performance : How it impacts user experience of your hosted applications or websites.
  4. Support : Make sure about the availability of technical assistance while dealing with issues or concerns.
  5. Features : It would be more beneficial if you get additional features such as control panels, one click installations, backups. and security measures.

Top cheap Linux vps Providers

  1. DigitalOcean : DigitalOcean is well-known for its simplicity and affordability. They offer a range of Linux-based VPS plans, starting from as low as $4 per month, with options to scale resources as needed.Their user-friendly control panel and extensive documentation make it easy for users to deploy and manage Linux VPS instances. DigitalOcean’s Droplets provide Linux VPS hosting, and are customized to fit a range of use cases. We offer multiple configurations with both shared CPU and dedicated CPU.
https://www.digitalocean.com/solutions/linux-hostingLINK FOR THE WEBSITE

2. Vultr : Vultr provides high-performance cloud infrastructure with a focus on simplicity and scalability. They offer Linux-based VPS plans in multiple locations worldwide, starting from $5 per month.Vultr’s platform is designed for developers and businesses looking for fast, reliable, and cost-effective VPS hosting solutions. LINK FOR THE WEBSITE https://www.vultr.com/match/linux-vps-server/?service=linux

3. OVHcloud : OVHcloud offers a range of Linux-based VPS hosting solutions with SSD storage, DDoS protection, and flexible scalability options. Their VPS plans start from Rs.460 per month. OVHcloud is known for its robust infrastructure and network reliability, making it a trusted choice for businesses and organizations worldwide. LINK FOR THE WEBSITE – https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-in/vps/os/vps-linux/#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20Linux%20VPS,than%20a%20standard%20dedicated%20server.

4. ishosting : ishosting provides High performance, flexible management, and inexhaustible possibilities. Linux VPS hosting by is*hosting is exceptionally reliable because of a team of specialists and 18 years of experience. LINK FOR THE WEBSITEhttps://ishosting.com/en/vps/linux?utm_term=buy%20linux%20vps&utm_campaign=VPS%2FVDS_Search_2024&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=cpc&hsa_acc=3803004468&hsa_cam=21055964116&hsa_grp=159615039335&hsa_ad=691884968157&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1483896598954&hsa_kw=buy%20linux%20vps&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rJldNs56wtktRuRmlUsmjDEHdODkNKf2kxF1instTin7rImHNmkJzBoCyDUQAvD_BwE

5. BIGROCK : Provides to build higher performing websites & applications with state of the art VPS Servers

  •  High-speed SSD Storage
  •  Instant Provisioning
  •  Full Root Access

Link – https://www.bigrock.in/virtualserverlinux-hosting.php

6. MilesWeb : They offer highly secure and the most reliable Linux VPS servers, with instant deployment. Pick your VPS server based on your needs and get ready to experience blazing-fast performance for your website or app. It provides you with these benefits:

Cost-effectiveness: They do not charge a huge amount. All our plans suit your budget requirements.

High performance: Advanced configurations of our Linux VPS servers enhance the performance of your applications.

High Network Speed: Get the best uptime up to 99.95% to build your online presence at a blazing-fast speed.

Link – https://www.milesweb.in/hosting/vps-hosting/linux-vps-hosting

In conclusion, while affordability is crucial, choosing a Linux VPS provider requires careful consideration of factors beyond just pricing. It’s essential to evaluate aspects like performance, reliability, and support to make an informed decision. By finding the right balance between affordability and quality, users can maximize the value of their hosting solution and set the stage for success in their digital endeavors.

Thank You,

Bheemisetty Sharmila.