I’m D.kalyani. In this article i’m going to share “What i’ve learned from the course videos”.
From the video-1:Introduction to Why This is The Only Design Development Course You’ll Ever Need
- From these videos I learnt about the photoshop using different tools.
- next I participated in photoshop quiz and secured 100%marks
video-2: Introduction to web design
From these videos I learned about
- The Basic Element Principles Of Visual Design are
- balance
- Rhythm
- Proportion
- Space
- Dominance
- Hierarchy
- Unity
- CRAP Principles
- where
- Typography Basics
- In this video I learned about What is Serif.
video-3: Introduction to photoshop.
From the video-3: I have learned about “The four phases of a Web Design Project Cost Estimates”.
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop is very easy to understand and make websites as a web designer. We get results in it easily. We can also create some web graphics and designs for business.
-> Creating Photoshop document Is used for modifying or editing images. We open a file with the filename and many features are available in Photoshop like preset, size, content ,colour profile ,mode and ratio.
-> Photoshop environment Adobe Photoshop is a creative version. We can drag images from desktop to Photoshop document. You shortcuts For tools and edit images and text. -> -> We can make magic out of this Photoshop. Shapes, colour ,strokes ,resize, border are available in Photoshop along with graphic design.
-> Photoshop environment palettes,. From different options in Photoshop we can create pallets, layers, case, enlarge ,screen dark ,customise and ,styles in Photoshop.
-> The menu Many options are present in Photoshop as directory hdr, adjustment ,tone colour, style, mode, blur in the menu.
-> Enhancement manipulation Scenery can be changed in Photoshop using the tool for location. It is mostly used in creative market. We Remove unwanted background and manipulate images in Photoshop.

video 4:-web design and Photoshop.
I lerarned about basic tools like wirw framing,mood board,rough,comp,mockup, and abouy users.
Different phases about web design:-
1.Discovery phase
2.creative phase
3.development phase
4.launch phase
–> learned about tools and strategies of user experience ux design.,Blog landing page,free photoshop downloads.
Video-5:Advanced Web Design Challenge
we learned about challenging works in designing.About:
–>creating sitemap,sketching wire frame.
–>phase design in photoshop.
–>getting feed back on design.
–>Flasties tool for designing and sharing concepts.
video 6: Introduction to html
–>I have learned about basic structure of html.
–>i have learned about heading and paragraph tags,its emphasis,hyperlinks,lists,inserting images,tables,entities.
–>also learned about creating web pages easily by using forms.

video 7:-Advanced html and html html5
I have learned different topics on:
–>Introduction to html.about its ID’s and classes.
–>Div and span tags.About web pages. Introduction to expert html5.
–>Coding a web page using html5,html inputs such as labels,range,,form-num…and coding through internet explorer.data attributes in html5.
video 8:-about css topics
—> I learned about basics of css like syntax,selectors,properties,values,inheritence of styles.measurements,margins,inline elements,inline css,descendant selectors,box models,external css,ID and class selectors,grouping selectorsand design a web page.
video 9:about intermediate css
–> understood introduction about intermediate css,different colors in web page.And also learned about:
–> text formatting using different styles,borders with different box shapes and sizes,background images and styling different links.
video10: About css3 introduction.
–> Learned about how tyo change sizer of box and shape,gradients and transparecy of colors using css3,creating shadows of texts,divinding coloumns,creating animations,buttons,edit different images in photoshop,orbit animations of earth and moon using css3.
video 11:About Advanced css introduction.
–> Learned about styling forms,inline elements and blocks,float and clear pages using css,positioning such as relative,absolute,fixed,code for google landing page,style sheets for google landing page,photo shop development,and publish in css validator.
video 12: About javascript introduction.
–>About syntax,statements, and case sensitive,of javascript.Its java script output,variables,js arrays,functions,code for calculator, and ifelse functions in java script.
video 13: About jquery introduction.
we understood about jquery introduction,download and install it,syntax of jquery,event methods using jquery and jquery selectors.
video 14: About intermediate jquery introduction
–>we learned about jquery chaining,code for hide and share content,animations,code for car race,modifyinmg css,jquery ui,code for draggong and drop,sorting code,accoprdation,date picker, and listing.
video 15: About Bootstrap introduction.
–>Introduction to bootstrap responsive design.
–>get started with bootstrap,examples,grid system in bootstrrap,craeting responsive forms,tables,buttons and images.also learned about bootstarp helper classes.
video-16: Introduction to web hosting
–> purshasing domains and hoisting,understanding cpanel,ftl and uploading website,and learned about websites.
video 17: Introduction to php
–>php syntax,variables and constants,click baits headlines,arrays in php,functions,different loops lkike while,for,foreach, and dowhile,arguments,get and post, if else statements.
video 18:introduction to database
–>learned to establish a connection between database and php.
–>learned how to select data from database from webpage,and insert data to web page,password hashing,sessions using php,login form using php,html and my sql.
–>creating address book using php and my sql.
video 19: Introduction to wordpress.
–> understood about wordpress.com and wordpress.org.
–>to install,login ,piugins and apply customize themes.dashboard i.e,jetpack,posts,media,appearance,users..etc.how to apply wordpress sites,Xtheme,and their usage.wordpress security,its open source,and back up deatails.publishing products.
video 20: Introduction to career options.
–> I have learned about cultivating career,success,freelance working,quiting job,writing resume,angular js,http,creating n editing data and custom filters and interfaces.